Tuesday 6 September 2011

Cant think of an exciting title for a slow hunt - LOL ^^

Started grid searching the area i wandered on Monday, from the opposite end where i found most of the silver and after about 2 hours, i had only pulled up 1 older than decimal coin, a bent 1876 penny. I'll be back to the other end next time ;)

Weighed yesterdays silver coins out of curiosity, although after collecting coins for over 20 years, i don't think i could ever bring myself to send them away for melting down! ;) 


  1. 20 years ! You must have one or two then.
    Lets hope the silver price keeps rising.

  2. Funny how one side or end of a site has the older stuff, I have a park up here that is the same, all the older pre decimal stuff is on the eastern side, only the odd bit of older decimal and modern stuff on the west side.

  3. Try to hunt down some old photo's of the park (Auckland Council GIS Viewer has some 1940 aerial shots of Auck on it)then compare to modern day. Chances are the park has had some ground work done on the half with no old stuff.

    It is the same with my "Training Park" only one end holds the old stuff, the other half has had some fill added in the last 30 odd years. And they have plonked a building right where the best finds would have been!
