Wednesday 1 August 2012

1st Year Detecting Roundup

Today marks the 1st year detecting for me. Enjoyed every minute of it.

Well, haven't got around to counting/taking photos yet of all the years stuff,
but did manage to take a snap of my last detecting outings result of the year...

Found somewhere over on the West Coast ;) Detected with the GoldbugPro.
1st time out looking for a nugget, and managed to stumble upon one :) Stoked!

HH All :)

Tuesday 24 July 2012

2 More silvers

Found a couple more silvers today to add to the total for the year.
One was a STG marked ring with 4 clear stones, and the other was a 1920 3d.

3 and a half pennys, lots of brown buggers, and a few spendables,
with a good pocket full of tabs and junk making up the rest of the finds this afternoon.

Had a muck round with the camera again today, altho that didn't last long - too uncomfortable having it taped on to the wrist. Id already found the 2 silvers by the time i remembered i had the camera in the glove box too - dam it! ;)

HH all :)

Sunday 15 July 2012

16 days to go...

Spent a few hours out at a near-by domain with a couple other Canterbury detectorists today.

I ended up finding 3 silvers - 1908 Sixpence, 1934 shilling and a 1945 thrupence.
Also dug one solo penny, which is an 1800's number. The other 2 guys also pulled up a few silvers.

Only 16 more days to go to till i finish my 1st year of detecting! Should be out a few more times before then, and crossing fingers this weekend coming i can add a few nuggets to the total!!!

Saturday 30 June 2012

End of June Update

Have been out on a few hunts since the last post, found a few more silver coins, a stg silver cross, loads of half pennys / pennys, even more 1's n 2's, bit of gas money and a couple other odd bits n pieces. Tried a few different spots that will have to be revisited at some point for more searching :)

Photos - tomorrow or the next day

Did get along to the latest Canterbury meeting. Was good to meet Gav and Ricki (?), and was great to get out and go for a night hunt with almost everyone that turned up to the meeting :)

Have just read a post on the Paydirt forum that takes the cake this month tho... Hunter finds a ...

 HH all :)

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Night Hunt - Big Silvers !

Went out for a Hagley night hunt and met up with Foiledagain and Hunter from the Paydirt forum.

Got there and Hunter was already on the scoreboard for silvers, and not long after  Foiled arrived, he pulled up a nice 925 ring. Was thinking to myself - Ok - sweet - MY TURN ! ! .... Nek Minnit ...

Thought myself lucky enough to find the above, and wouldn't have cared if  i didn't dig another coin for the rest of the night, but about 10 mins later, and as i was about to turn away from my current line, i found another 83 to dig, and im glad i did....

It took 10 months and 13 days to find the 1st one, glad the 2nd didn't take the same ;)

Also got a NZ sixpence and an old worn viccy 3d, along with a few of the other usual coins...

Great night out hunting again :) HH all!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Snow 06-06-2012

Doesn't look like ill be heading out with the detector today!

Took the camera for a short drive instead, but then decided without 4x4,
i could be pushing my luck by going any further.

Came home, and im gonna have a play with electrolysis instead ;)

Edit ....

Well after reading those comments, i just had to go for a play ....

Hehe ;) HH All

Monday 4 June 2012

Monday Night Hagley Hunt

Out again for a hour or two with Poohbear & Foiledagain.
We all got at least one silver again, but i was more happy with the buttons i dug tonight :)

Pocket emptyied ...
 NZ Railways??
 Silver butterfly ring...

 No idea what it is, but heading for google after i press publish ;)

 HH All :) Hope i get to read some QBW hunts tonight/tomorrow ;)

Friday 1 June 2012

Fridays Hagley Night Hunt

Out again this evening with Nzpoohbear40 and Rgmcbrid in Hagley Park.

I got a few old coppers, $1, 1c, 2c, bullet, few bullet shells,
a little owl, a whatzit and a pocket full of trash :)

Pics - tomorrow ( or sometime soon )

Loburn / Rangiora

Hunted today with Foiledagain off the paydirt forums at a couple different locations.

We both ended up taking silver away today, and both got a 90% thrupence :)

Thursday 31 May 2012

Thursday Night Hunt

Went out for another few hours tonight with 3 other detectorists.

We searched an area that has been over quite often, but amazingly we all got silver again tonite.

I ended up getting another thrupence and sixpence to add to the days total.
A few non silver pre-decs, 3 x old 20c, a few sinkers, a pencil sharpner,
lots of brown 1's n 2's and a few spendables made up my keepers.

More Pulltabs!

And more silver ;) !

Spent half the day at the same place as yesterday, and ended up with the following...

HH all :)

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Pulltab Hunting

Well, thats what it felt like at least ;) lol!

Decided to have a go at finding some silver coins again today, so the discrim went back to 60,
and the pulltab invasion (of my pockets) started in the frost this morning...

End up with 3 silvers from the last of the 3 locations i tried today.
Also got a few late 1800 coppers, a 62 florin and a few brown 1's n 2's.
Not a single spendable coin today, but i didn't mind at all ;)

HH all :)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hagley Night Hunt

Met up with 4 other detectorists tonight for a headlamp lit hunt in the park.

To-nites finds were a penny, 2xhalf pennys, 3 x old 20c pieces, 1x old NZ10c, 1x AUS 10c, 1x old NZ5c 1x old NZ2c, $3.10 spendable, a half of a heart broach/locket or something, and 1 silver ring :)

Few more 1's n 2's

Spent another few hours at the gold producing site this morning.

I'm starting to run out of areas there to search now tho,
so i think its almost time to take my lucky penny and move on.

Picked up another surface find today...

HH all :)

Monday 28 May 2012

Goldie Fever!!!

Seems the current place im interested in, has no shortage of dropped coins!
I guess if im not finding any silver coins, the gold colored ones will do fine ;)

Also picked up a couple surface find necklaces today, although neither has number markings,
and also a couple coins from around the other side of the globe.

HH All! :)

Friday 25 May 2012

Coin Shooting - Continued...

Headed back to the same place as yesterday this morning,
and searched another area of grass.

Didn't find as many goldies today as yesterday, wasn't there as long either,
but did stumble upon a few older coins.

Sadly, the silver one got a little garked, but happy to find it all the same ;)

Yes, i guess "little" is an understatement ;P Poor Florin!!!

Another fun morning/early afternoon out detecting, and only used the one 9volt rechargeable up,
so may have to have a rest, something to eat, then head out again later on this evening ;)

HH All :)

Thursday 24 May 2012

Coin Shooting

Felt like a goldie hunt today, and came away in the end with an alright total i think ;)

Spent the good part of the day to get it, and would have come in well under minimum wage,
if i bothered to work out the $/hour ;) Fun all the same - lol!

Alot of the coins were found nice and shallow like this...

Also dug a bit of rubbish up ...

 Early in the afternoon another detectorist (Scott) and helper (sorry forget your name) showed up,
and i learnt he is just back from Japan. (Kiwisan from the Friendly Metal Detecting forums)
Hope to see yas at the Papanui Club this comming Sunday :)

 In the end, I had an enjoyable day of detecting, with an alright clad count to boot ;)

HH all :)