Friday 7 October 2011

4 keys, 2 silvers and a wallet

The wallet had $1.01 of old NZ coins and 7c Aussie in its coin holder. Nothing else in it except for the coins and the key. The other 3 keys on the shoelace were found separately. A 1935 shilling and 1941 florin were this afternoons best finds in my mind. The other coins are 2 British pennies (1906 and 1931 in the same hole), an old NZ 20c, two old NZ 10c and a 1951 NZ shilling. GL & HH to those heading out over the weekend :)


  1. Good silver Ash.
    Specially the florin which seem rare where I hunt.

  2. Apart from the silver half crown (0 so far), its also my lowest found silver coin. Hoping to cross that one off the list soon! Plan to give another area of the park i pulled the 11 silvers from tomorrow sometime - depending on the wetness ;)

  3. 11 silvers - wow that's cool. I have had a shilling and a thruppence this weekend so I am happy.
    It's half time - Go the AB's.
