Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Pulltab Hunting

Well, thats what it felt like at least ;) lol!

Decided to have a go at finding some silver coins again today, so the discrim went back to 60,
and the pulltab invasion (of my pockets) started in the frost this morning...

End up with 3 silvers from the last of the 3 locations i tried today.
Also got a few late 1800 coppers, a 62 florin and a few brown 1's n 2's.
Not a single spendable coin today, but i didn't mind at all ;)

HH all :)

1 comment:

  1. One day............amongst all those pull tabs............will come up a shiney gold ring. I know this! If you dig the gold will come.
    I'm still currently pulling around $20 in goldies from my mine every evening..........
