Thursday, 31 May 2012

More Pulltabs!

And more silver ;) !

Spent half the day at the same place as yesterday, and ended up with the following...

HH all :)


  1. Thats a nice collection of silver,looks like you have been busy,what a massive amount of teartabs in your previous post I must admit I am a bit lazy and dont dig as many targets as I should,but thats the way to get the gold....hate to think how many gold rings I have missed in those real trashy parks etc.

  2. Gee whiz what a great hunt Ash.

  3. Very Nice!

    I am going for a treasure hunt tomorrow and hopefully will find Mine Half Crown now :-)

    Good luck, POst more!

    1. One of the guys tonight dug a hole - 2 silver halfcrowns and a 3d - lucky bugger aye!

  4. Great stuff Ash, Keep it up and keep digging those pull tab signals......eventually one will be gold.

  5. Cheers all, its been good to thrash the detecting again while I wait for the next painting job to come along ;)
